Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Signing of the Magna Carta

Events that led to the signing of the Magna Carta:

King John had an argument with Lotario also known as Pope Innocent III about who should be archbishop of Canterbury, a city in England. Lotario wanted a man named Stephen Langton to be archbishop, but King John swore that he should never come to England.

Pope Innocent III excluded King John from participation in the seven sacraments and services in the Christian Church. King John finally accepted Stephen Langton to be archbishop, but Pope Innocent made the king and people to pay him money whenever he demanded it. King John raised the taxes making them really high. His punishments for the defaulters were ruthless and he showed no sympathy.

King John imposed taxes on the Barons so he could regain his lands that he lost which are: Aquitaine, Poitou, and Anjou. The Barons had a disagreement with King John over his method of ruling over England. 

The Barons and Stephen Langton teamed up to make King John govern by the old English Laws that had been prevailed before the Normans came. The demands of the Barons were recorded in the "Articles of the Barons" in January 1215. On May 1215, London was in their hands(The Barons). June 1215, the Barons came to King John  packed in armor in Windsor (a town in England) to tell King John to meet them at Runnymede.

June 10, 1215: 
John Lackland, king of England signed and sealed the document.

June 15, 1215:
The Barons returned the Oath of Fealty to King John. The royal chancery made a formal royal grant based on the agreements at Runnymede. The agreements were later knowned as the "Magna Carta".
The copies of the Magna Carta were given to important people in England such as Bishops, Sheriffs, etc.

 King John later died on October 19, 1216. King Henry III, which is King John's son later became the King of England.
Here is a picture of the Magna Carta~
Click on me for the picture credits~

Click here to see where i got my info ^.^

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Coat of Arms Sketch and Others~

Coat of Arms Assignment

Here's what my coat
of arms look like :P

Meaning of what my coat of arms mean~
Elephant: wisdom,courage,and ambition
- Crescent moon: 2nd born child
- Leaves: long,inner struggles
- Shield division: authority; the power to give orders
- Orange: the desire to achieve something(ambition)
- Green: joyful
- Blue: honest or truthful
- Black: grief or resistance

Monday, March 21, 2016

Coat of Arms Project

Coat Of Arms Assignment
Day One:
  • He is a really funny and always making us laugh.
  • He's very inspiring and always thinking of new projects to do and the projects that we do always makes me want to learn more about it. 
  • He is very cool and always has a smile on his face.
  • Mr.Beckham is the second born child.
  • She is a really enthusiastic person and always has a smile on her face.
  • She is really sweet and nice person and a great science teacher.
  • She is a really caring person.
  • Ms.Emert is the first born child.

  • She is a really nice art teacher and always lending us supplies for projects.
  • She is really funny and a talented teacher. She draw so good!
  • She is super creative in her projects that she assigns us.
  • Ms.Lowy is the first born child

The colors in coat of arms

meanings are:
Gold: generosity and elevation of the mind
Silver and White: peace and sincerity
Red: warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity 
Blue: true and loyalty
Green: hope, joy, and loyalty in love
Black: constancy or grief
Purple: royal majesty, sovereignty,and justice
Orange:worthy ambition
Maroon: Patient in battle, and yet victorious

Day Two:

  • She is such a great mathematician.
  • She helps us on homework so she is very helpful person.
  • She's always a caring person because she always gives us prizes for winning games.
  • She is the second born child.
  • He is a really nice teacher when it comes to advisory.
  • He is really wise and smart.
  • He is really talented when it comes to language arts and reading.
  • He is the second born child.
  • She is a really athletic person and she always has the energy to do anything.
  • She always has an enthusiastic smile on her face!
  • She is a great and fun teacher.
  • Ms.Hernadez is the first born child.
Examples of heraldic shield divisions

Defense or protection
Rule and authority
Faith and protection
Military strips or
Belt of Valor
Military strength or bravery.
Stands for military strength
 or fortitude.

Dividing lines
Earth & Country
the sea or water 
clouds and air
Represents fireor
the walls of a fortress
or city
Represents the radiation
the sun. symbolizes
also fame and glory

Teachers Coat of Arms:
  • For the second child, i got the symbols of the crescent moon.
  • The elephant, which represents courage, strength, wisdom, and happiness.
  • The book for learning and knowledge.
  • I colored the crescent gold because he always show respect towards us students.
  • Black for constancy and grief.
  • Blue for his honesty.
  • Shield division: strength and bravery.
  • Orange for his ambition.
  • Red for his aggressiveness.
  • I chose the crescent moon because she is second born.
  • The heart represents her niceness and her honesty.
  • The grape represents her happiness.
  • Shield Division: defense or protection.
  • Gold for her respect to others.
  • Green for her beauty.
  • Blue for her truthfulness.
  • White for her cleanliness.

  • The crescent represents him as the second son.
  • Lamb is his symbol for his innocence and faith.
  • The color orange for his ambition.
  • Blue for his strength and straightforward honesty.
  • Gold for his understanding and respect.
  • Red for his aggressiveness.
  • Purple for his justice.
  • Shield division: protection.

  • The charge represent her as the first child.
  • The fish is a symbol for her generosity, bravery, steadfastness.
  • Blue for her honesty and loyalty to others.
  • Green for her joyfulness and her beauty.
  • Orange for her ambition.
  • Red for her strength
  • Shield division: honor.

  • The symbol which is the charge represents Ms. Hernadez as a first child.
  • The tortoise is a symbol and it represents her time, patience, and strength.
  • Green for her beauty, happiness, and joyfulness.
  • Orange for her ambition.
  • White for her wisdom.
  • Yellow for her respect.
  • Shield Division: defense or protection.

  • The charge represents her as a first born child.
  • The fox represents Ms.Emert for her wisdom.
  • Orange for her ambition.
  • Green for her joyfulness and beauty.
  • Blue for her loyalty.
  • White for her innocence.
  • Shield Division: defense or protection.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Feudalism Project

A social system class during The Middle Ages in Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries. It was a combination of legal and military customs. There are four classes in the system:Kings,Nobles,Knights, and Peasants.

Click on this link to see the actual credit ^_^

The King ruled the whole kingdom and owned all the land in the country except the church. It had control of the assets. The nobles had to make a deal with the King before taking up the granted land, that they must stay true and faithful to the King. If they did not listen, the granted land would be withdraw to another noble. The King was the highest level in the social system. The King lived in the castle.

The lords were the second highest level in the social system. They were given responsibilities by the King. If they were true to the King, they would be granted a land. On that land, they grew crops, and were able to keep some of the crops to their selves. They would sell the crops for profit and were able to keep that profit. Although they had to pay their taxes and rents.


The knights were the second to last class of the system. They were also given granted land by the barons, but in return, they were to provide military service to the King. They are suppose to protect the nobles during battles and wars. The knights were worn chain mail(made from metal chains). Their main job was to keep the King protected. In all,they were paid pretty well.


The peasants were the last class in the social system. They were granted land by the knights.90% of the Medieval Europe were peasants. They were ordinary villagers. They were given to farm the land and do other jobs that were requested by the lords. They were not allowed to leave the manor without permission, or get married either without the Lord's permission. In all,they were the poorest class in the system.

Click on this and it will take you to where i got my info :P

Same goes for here!

     On Friday in our social studies class, we were given a Feudal activity. Everyone was given to be a lord,knight,peasant,and only one person was the king. I was given to be a knight. The knights had to go to each fiefdom and ask for a job. We didn't actually have real fiefdom. They were just four chairs. Three of the chairs were down, and one of them was standing up, which that was where the lord would sit at. The lord had to give us knights a token if we were accepted to one. Our job was to protect the lord from the barbarian. We took a long yarn and that was suppose to be our border, and took the chair and surrounded it making sure the lord was in between the chairs and staying protected. The barbarian started to attack. Of course, it wasn't real so he used crumbled paper. We were given a book and that was our weapon. The book was used to block the crumbled paper from hitting us. If it hits us, we are dead. I didn't really care about the lord and I only worried about myself so the lord and I died. In all, the Feudal activity was really fun. I learned a lot, before researching for my Feudalism project.