Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Medieval Vocabulary

For the first part of the 3rd trimester fiefdom project, my social studies teacher gave us an assignment to do. He first gave us 18 words to search up and define online. These words were used or had in the medieval times. To be honest, most of the words he assigned me to search up and define, I don't really know so this will help me a lot when doing the fiefdom project.

fiefdom: the estate or domain of a feudal lord.

feudalism: the feudal system, or its principles and

monarch: a hereditary sovereign, as a king, queen, or emperor.

lord: a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master,chief, or ruler.

vassal:(in the feudal system) a person granted the use of land, in return for rendering homage, fealty, and usually military service or its equivalent to a lord or other superior; feudal tenant.

knight:a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior in the 
Middle Ages.

peasant: a member of a class of persons, as in Europe, Asia,
 and Latin America, who are small farmers or farm laborers of low
 social rank.

commoner: a common person, as distinguished from one with rank,
status, etc.

serf: a person in a condition of servitude, required to render 
services to lord, commonly attached to the lord's land and
transferred with it from one owner to another.

tradesman: a person engaged in trading.

merchant: a person who buys and sells commodities for profit;
 dealer; trader.

castle: a fortified, usually walled residence, as of a prince or
noble in feudal times.

moat: a deep, wide trench, usually filled with water, surrounding the rampart of a fortified place, as a town or a castle.

guild: an organization of persons with related interests, goals,
 etc., especially one formed for mutual aid or protection.

abbey: a monastery under the supervision of an abbot or a 
convent under the supervision of an abbess.

High Middle Ages:a period of European history around the 11th, 12th, and 13 centuries.
Click on me for this citation~

100 Year's War: a series of conflict waged from 1337 to 1453 by the House of Plantagenet, rulers of the Kingdom of England, against the House of Valois, rulers of the Kingdom of France, for control of the Kingdom of France.
Same goes for me~

Black Death: a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers and destiny.
Me too

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