Sunday, April 3, 2016

Vocabulary of The Magna Carta

archbishop:a bishop of the highest rank who presides over an archbishopric or archdiocese.

abbots:a man who is the head or superior, usually elected, of a monastery.

earls:a British nobleman of a rank below that of marquis and above that of viscount.

barons:a member of the lowest grade of nobility.

justiciaries:the office or jurisdiction of a justicar.

foresters:a person who is expert in forestry.

stewards:a person who manages another's property or financial 

bailiffs:an officer; similar to a sheriff.

liege:a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service.

rectifying:to make, put, or set right; correct

venerable:commanding respect because of great age or impressive 

cardinal:of prime importance; chief; principal.

aforesaid:said or mentioned earlier or previously.

wardship:guardianship; custody.

inheritance: property passing at the owner's death to the heir or those entitled to succeed.

pertaining:to belong or be connected as a part, adjunct,
 possession, or attribute.


husbandry:the cultivation and production of edible crops or of animals for food;agriculture; farming.

disparagement:something that derogates or casts in a bad light, as a remark or censorious essay.

forthwith:immediately; at once; without delay

compelled:to force or drive, especially to a course of action.

chattels:Law. a movable article of personal property.

debtor:a person who is in debt or under financial obligation to

sufficient:adequate for the purpose; enough.

sureties:security against loss or damage or for the fulfillment of an obligation,the payment of a debt, etc.; a pledge, guaranty, or bond.

distrained:to constrain by seizing and holding goods, etc., in pledge for rent,damages, etc., or in order to obtain satisfaction of a

indemnified:to compensate for damage or loss sustained, expense incurred, etc.

scutage: a payment exacted by a lord in lieu of military service due to him by the holder of a fee.

ransoming:the redemption of a prisoner, slave, or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc., for a price.

levied:an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or 

boroughs: an incorporated municipality smaller than a city.

anent:in regard to; about; concerning.

tenement:any species of permanent property, as lands, houses, rents, an office, or a franchise, that may be held of another.

inquests:a legal or judicial inquiry, usually before a jury, especially an investigation made by a coroner into the cause of a death.

disseisin:the act of disseising or state of being disseised.

mort:Hunting. the note played on a hunting horn signifying that the animal hunted has been killed.

assizes:a trial session, civil or criminal, held periodically
 in specific locations in England, usually by a judge of a 
superior court.

amerced:to punish by imposing a fine not fixed by statute.

accordance:agreement; conformity.

contentment:the state of being contentedsatisfaction; ease of

villein:a member of a class of partially free persons under the feudal system,who were serfs with respect to their lord but had the rights and privileges of freemen with respect to others.

constable:an officer of the peace, having police and minor 
judicial functions,usually in a small town, rural district, etc.

coroners:an officer.

wapentake:a subdivision of a shire or county corresponding to a 

fief: a subdivision of a shire or county corresponding to a hundred.

thence:from that place.

intestate:not having made a will.

lieu:place; stead.

writ:a formal order under seal, issued in the name of a sovereign,
goverment, court, or other competent authority, enjoining the officer or other person to whom it is issued or addressed to do or refrain from 
some specified act.

praecipe:any of various legal writs commanding a defendant to do something or to appear and show why it should not be done.

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